Read the May 2021 Daily Journal article
about Max's highly effective mediation techniques
Click on image for full article
After 30 years practicing law and 23 years serving as a mediator and arbitrator,
Max Factor III has retired from active status in the California Bar Association.
He continues to handle business and real estate mediation cases.
Voted by counsel as Best Lawyers® "Lawyer of the Year", Arbitration (Neutral), 2014, in
the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area details here
2012 & 2014: Recognized by The Daily Journal as a Top Neutral in Southern California for article click here
Elected by his Peers, 2006 through 2022, as Distinguished Fellow, International Academy of Mediators
General Inquiries: 310-749-2766 - Irene
Mediation Inquiries: 310-284-8224 - Nicole (ARC)
Appreciative comments from counsel & litigants:
"Max brought closure in one day to a matter we thought would never end."
"A Highly Effective and Valuable Agent of Reality."
"Max uses his skills as a successful deal-maker and experienced litigator to get results that make sense."
"One of the best mediators I have had the pleasure of dealing with in 33 years of practicing law."
November 1, 2018 saw a new section (1129) added to the Evidence Code, with the aim of ensuring clients going into mediation understand the confidential nature of the process. Here is a link to the Section: leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml
See this link for a more detailed explanation and a sample Disclosure Notification and Acknowledgment form, courtesy of Kenneth S. Wolf, Esq. of Freeman, Freeman & Smiley LLP. www2.mediate.com/smartbusiness/docs/Mediation%20Confidentiality.pdf
Atlanta, 2019. Max with grandson, Lev, to whom he made a promise years ago:
if the Rams made it to the Super Bowl, they would go and see the game.
* * * * * * *
"Cap'n Max" with actual captain and guide in British Columbia, late July 2018.
That's a 21 pound King Salmon. Next day he caught a 27 pounder,
reaching the weekly limit for keeping; thereafter it was catch and release.
Mediations via ARC (Alternative Resolution Centers): www.arc4adr.com/
and via AAA (American Arbitration Association): www.adr.org/
Hundreds of Successful Mediations
9 years in public service
22 years in private practice
23 years as a neutral
- Presenter: "The Non-paying Party" at "Mastering Commercial Arbitration", January 28, 2016, a full day program about cutting edge practical issues, presented by Los Angeles County Bar Association.
- Co-presenter with Richard Chernick, Esq. & Deborah Crandall Saxe, Esq. for The Rutter Group: "Arbitration: Cutting Edge Issues" April 27, 2015
Recognized in April 2013 as one of 81 Honorees of the Los Angeles County Volunteer of the Year Award for playing a key role in enriching the lives of LA County residents. Nominated by the LASC ADR office for volunteer work done over many years to promote mediation and arbitration. Above: with Supervisors Don Knabe & Michael Antonovich, Head of LASC ADR Department, Ana Maria Veiga, and LA County CEO, Bill Fujioka.
Panelist: "Beyond Mediation: The New Frontier of Dispute Resolution", Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles ADR Section, November 2012
Co-author: "Advanced Negotiating Techniques Every Attorney Should Know": 85th Annual California State Bar Conference, Monterey, October 2012
Co-presenter: Highly Effective Strategies and Techniques in Employment Mediation: SCMA/ARC May 2012
Presenter: Sharpening Your Mediation & Negotiation Skills: Pepperdine, May 2012
- Co-Presenter: American Bar Association's Section of Dispute Resolution 14th Annual Conference, April 2012: "Building an ADR Practice"
- Presenter: Ventura Center for Dispute Resolution Annual Mediation Conference, April 2012: "Hardball Negotiating Tactics –Do They Work in Real Estate, Employment and Commercial Conflicts?”
- Presenter, American Bar Association's Section of Dispute Resolution 13th Annual Conference, April 2011: "Hardball Tactics, When to Use & How to Defend when Negotiating (or Mediating) the Litigated Case" (with Michael Orfield and Christine Masters).
- Presenter, California Judges Association Retired Judges Conference, March 2011: "Mediation Confidentiality: Issues & Current Cases" (with Denise Madigan and Judge Laurie Zelon)
- Adjunct Professor, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine University, 2006-2016, teaching in The Mediation Clinic. Taught, as Faculty, "Mediating the Litigated Case" - intensive course for attorneys & graduate students from all over the country: 2010-12 Orange County and Malibu campuses
- Member, Los Angeles Superior Court ADR Committee & Sub-Committee on Operations, 2008-12
- Member, Executive Committee, Litigation Section, Los Angeles County Bar Association, 2009-12
2007-21: Best Lawyers® Best Law Firm for ADR Practice
2014: Best Lawyers® "Lawyer of the Year", Arbitration, in L.A. area
Chair, 4th - 9th Annual Robert I. Weil Lecture, 2009 - 2014; and again in 2017
President, Downtown Los Angeles Litigation Inn of Court, 2008
Member, California & National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals 2006-2017
Member, Chair's Council for the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, CalTech 2011-18; Chair's Council for the Division of Biology, CalTech, 2008-10
Member, USC Board of Councilors
Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Distinguished Visitor Lecturer, September 2007: "On Understanding the Effects of Anger and Fear in Negotiating Outcomes"
Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators 2004 - present
Panellist, "Emerging Ethical Issues: Are Mediations Really Confidential?" at IAM Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, May 2008
Moderator, "Fear, Anger & Risk in Mediation" at IAM Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 2007
Moderator, "Beyond Yes: An Exploration of the Mind & Decision-Making" at IAM Fall Conference, Dana Point, California, November 2005
President of the Southern California Mediation Association, 2005-06
Presenter, Spring 2005: American Bar Association Spring Conference
Past Chairman (2006-07), California State Bar Committee on Administration of Justice
Harvard College, 1966: B.A. Economics magna cum laude
Yale Law School, 1969: J.D., Yale Law Journal 1967-69
US Court of Appeals (6th Circuit) - Hon. Anthony J. Celebrezze
Law Clerk, 1969-1971
Max was featured in Southern California Super Lawyers Magazine, February 2008 & February 2009. To read the article, click here Super Lawyer Article Feb 2008.pdf
"I feel good!" - the legendary James Brown sharing some soul with Max.....